Campers spent the morning of the second day of the Arab-Jewish Summer Camp at IJUMP, an adventure trampoline park on the outskirts of Haifa.
The theme of day 2 was the sense of “touch,” and the 90 Arab and Jewish children from the Haifa area were challenged by group activities that showed how individuals are dependent on one another and on the group. In the afternoon all the campers cooled off in the Leo Baeck Sport Center swimming pool.
The purpose of the camp’s program is to bring together Arab and Jewish children and to create a bond through joint bilingual activities that incorporate their culture, customs, and languages. Each group is led by both a Hebrew-speaking and an Arab-speaking counselor and is composed of an equal number of Arab and Jewish children.
Day 1 of the camp was devoted to the sense of “sight.” The next four days will include activities that focus on the senses of hearing, smell and taste, culminating on the sixth day with a play for campers and their parents presented by Elmina, a multicultural Arabic-Hebrew theater group, to be followed by fun, food and festivities at Leo Baeck’s Sports Center.
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