Leo Baeck is at the forefront of the City of Haifa’s efforts to provide young Israelis of Ethiopian descent with an outstanding education, break the cycle of poverty and assist with their full integration into the fabric of Israeli society.
Nearly 30 years following the beginning of the Ethiopian Aliyah, the Ethiopian community as a whole is still experiencing higher than average rates of communication difficulties, inadequate educational opportunities, cultural rifts between parents and children, domestic violence, alcoholism, high suicide rates and chronic unemployment. We recognize that there are many obstacles to full integration: language difficulties, cultural distinctions, insufficient support from family members, and the tie that binds them all – poverty. We have found that providing top-quality educational opportunities for young Ethiopians is the key to overcoming these challenges and ensuring their successful integration into Israeli society.
Our two main educational programs for young Ethiopians not only promote their successful integration, but also work to combat prejudice and preserve Ethiopian heritage:
The Beit Ligdol Tov Early Childhood Development and Enrichment Center
Beit Ligdol Tov ensures that children from financially distressed homes are afforded the head start in life they so desperately need and deserve. Read More…
Elementary School Scholarships
Scholarships provide Ethiopian children with an excellent education in the warm, supportive and enriching environment of the Leo Baeck Elementary School. Read More…